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chocobuun April 28, 2024 10:54 am

Seeing the raws I’m fully convinced the maid chick and the king will end up dying together lmfao. She’s been drugging him up during the moments they have sex, and it could be that he does like her or it could be the withdrawal symptoms from that drug every time he was with her lol. Either I’m SICK of seeing them both and for whatever reason there’s so many fckin sex scenes of them together. Like IDGAF about them. I can clearly see the king going crazy cause of her and end up ruining his life. What pissed me off was the FL actually putting in the effort and kind of successfully seducing him for once, but he ended up thinking of the maid while doing it anyways. I guess the drugs were too much for the dude since he was being swayed by the FL but eventually gave in to the maid and her tricks.

Hot ML SAVE HERRR PLS AND GET THAT THRONE. I need scenes between them rather than the smut between the two clowns. I wonder why these authors make irrelevant characters smut scenes so detailed. Like no reader asked for that crap?? Is it to fuel the readers hatred for them so that the revenge will feel better or is it cause the artist/author just likes sex scenes regardless.
