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I’m in chapter 10, and I don’t get Sumire’s power. Like human drops 50-100 hairs a d...

AHA April 28, 2024 11:10 am

I’m in chapter 10, and I don’t get Sumire’s power. Like human drops 50-100 hairs a day, can’t she just pick them up? And does it have from the root?

    Katoanime May 16, 2024 4:08 am

    I think she has to know who the person is. I don’t think she can just pick it up without knowing. It’d be a waste if she picked one and the person was trash

    Golden May 20, 2024 10:01 pm

    Yes but the hairs are very small if they were like any normal hair on someone's head every street,building and home would just be enveloped with hair but that doesn't happen because they are too small to see most of the time or even pick up. For example,I'm a black guy with afro hair and when I comb it it'll fall out all the time but the hairs are too small to see