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I don't know anymore...

... February 4, 2017 4:11 am

I don't know what to think and feel... I'm happy but still a little sad... Anyone feel me?

Like when you get an ice cream cone but fall down. Which leads to you dropping your ice cream and scraping a knee. But in the end, you still get another ice cream... I felt the same way reading this. It was great that I got another story from Sensei and I thought the beginning was intriguing... But then sad things began to happen and I wanted to give up on reading. But then I got a happy ending! HOWEVER, the happy ending still doesn't make me get over the sad things that occurred in the middle... Just like getting a second ice cream will make you happy but still not heal your wounds...

IDK anyone feel me? lol BUT I still really loved the story and Sensei of course!
