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Baby tiana April 29, 2024 7:20 am

Fuck fuck fuck I knew it!!!! Yoen you motherfucker ?!!! How could you??? He basically dated Vince to piss aryka off. He did that to make himself look superior to him. After this pls, aryka should just give up. Vince doesn't deserve him. Cause I'm sure that even after all these, vince might still not even believe everything aryka has been through. He might even say he's lying and that yoen isn't that kind of person. Pls after all this, if vince still doesn't believe aryka about yoen? Aryka should fucking leave his ass!! Cause even after falling for this idiot twice in two lifetime, dude is still hang up over one dude who I'm sure is probably still alive and having fun elsewhere while aryka is suffering over here because of him. At this point Vince is on a tight rope with me. His reaction to Aryka's story will determine if he's trash or not ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Bubbless April 29, 2024 7:52 am

    that my exact theory as well cuz he never express interest in Vince to begin with and it felt forced in the flashback but this just confirm my suspicions and ik that Aryka will tell Vince but Vince wouldn’t believe him and then it would be Aryka time to move to his next dreamer and those two will have their emotional long distance arc of Vince regretting and Aryka probably moving on or still spying to Vince. If Aryka doesn’t tell Vince then he’ll go seek out the truth about his older brother if he’s really alive or maybe he lived is his little brother name to get away from everything that he done to Aryka. Since I believe that the one that cause Arkya death is his brother and his notebook was from him and not the older brother.

    yuu April 29, 2024 2:13 pm

    Based on arykya's past memory, he saw vince and yoen kissed. So here's my take, after that incident, arykya probably got into an accident and died first before yoen. Yoen probably felt so guilty of what he did because he only befriended vince so he could humiliate arykya more. Yoen probably did that because his jealous that arykya got more attention since he weak condition. That's why he killed himself. Their mother was hateful towards vince because she lost both of her children. Both yoen and arykya are dead is what I think.

    Book stealer April 29, 2024 3:09 pm
    Based on arykya's past memory, he saw vince and yoen kissed. So here's my take, after that incident, arykya probably got into an accident and died first before yoen. Yoen probably felt so guilty of what he did ... yuu

    I still think that they prob got into an accident nd only aryka survived which he's prob in a coma rn

    yuu April 29, 2024 3:42 pm
    I still think that they prob got into an accident nd only aryka survived which he's prob in a coma rn Book stealer

    Oh that's a good scenario too, but I'm a bit dramatic (≧∀≦).

    Bubbless May 1, 2024 8:07 pm
    Based on arykya's past memory, he saw vince and yoen kissed. So here's my take, after that incident, arykya probably got into an accident and died first before yoen. Yoen probably felt so guilty of what he did ... yuu

    that sounds about right cuz the pink hair girl had from an accident. So maybe if you die from an accident you become a dream watcher