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Caught up... So considering Lilianne's backstory, Torrne is just a newly appointed fianc�...

WarriorNun April 29, 2024 7:36 pm

Caught up...

So considering Lilianne's backstory, Torrne is just a newly appointed fiancé that she either didn't meet or the upbringing was so horrendous that she blocked out anything positive, and the first thing that she latched on to was Robin.

Who was the fiancé of the Princess. Who is currently carrying his child.

And the only way that he could help her was to assassinate best boy.

If the pattern is right, Robin might be using the carrot and stick method all the while seeing women behind the Princess' back. Or the Princess knows and lets him do it since she has all the money. That way, she can indirectly sends out unwanted women to do her dirty work.

Or is that just overthinking and overestimating what is left of their brain cells?
