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Jaime is the villain of the story

MOONCHILD April 29, 2024 10:17 pm

But who Jaime is referring to here? I remember Doyak said before that the one Jamie hates the most is Ian but he wanted to use Jo and Chris as a bait to get Ian and TJ. That's why it took him years to finally planned something like this against him. He's so evil minded because he knows the weakness of his opponents but Jo is actually the most unpredictable trigger point in this mess. I'm not saying Jo will do something bad. Jo will definitely do something unexpected or even out of his normal character. Jamie doesn't know Jo. The confusing part for me who will be his first target to get Ian and TJ. Because based on his words, he's planning to give false victory by luring TJ out and start his grand plan later. Anyway, I have been manifesting Jamie to meet Jo since last year already. It would be one of the most epic meeting for sure haha. I hope someone will trigger the darkness within Jo that he doesn't want to get consumed by. This is for Jo stans, see I know you guys are 50-50 about this but it's good for him to be in danger or hurt just to make him realize that if he wants to protect the people he loves, he has to disguise his fair nature and let him embrace his darkness within himself. The Wet Sand world is cruel for kind people. In order for them to survive they have to get into the cruelty. Jo turning dark is necessary for his character development because there's more to him than what he has presumed about himself. He's going to get know his real self. Turning dark doesn't mean he is going to be a bad person. We all have good and dark (yin and yang) in ourselves. You need both energy to define your true self. Actually I think Jo is the one who will bring a surprise in this story and I'm excited to see all his sides alongside TJ and Ian. Jo is created to be different from TJ. Meaning they're different but they have similarities. When they face a similar situation they react differently. In the end it's the actions and how it affects others that decide what a person they are.
