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Imagine if the dad submitted all this shit on reddit

Simp April 30, 2024 5:55 am

Aita for divorcing my wife for being picky?

I 37m married my wife 34f 17 years go. Our daughter 16f, showed visible signs of autism at a very young age. She never smiled, she lacks empathy, has obscure interests, and very introverted. My wife was uncomfortable with our girl and adopted a commoner 14f 6 years ago. She visibly favored her over our daughter like taking her side when she is obviously in the wrong. But recently the commoner girl went too far and attempted to harm my daughter, and my wife still blamed my girl.

So aita for sending her divorce papers to protect my child?

    BJ_Hana April 30, 2024 8:12 am

    LMFAOOO I LOVE THIS. Omg now I wanna do this with every villainous manhwa I read from now on

    BJ_Hana April 30, 2024 8:12 am

    Also yes HE IS THE AHOLE

    Simp April 30, 2024 4:41 pm
    Also yes HE IS THE AHOLE BJ_Hana

    Omg fr? I feel like neglect is another form of abuse…Personally I could never let someone who doesn’t like my child in my home.

    somnia April 30, 2024 6:26 pm

    I would like this comment twice if I could

    Onion_cheeks May 1, 2024 1:57 am
    Also yes HE IS THE AHOLE BJ_Hana

    I disagree with him being the ahole. The mom should at least do something to try to bond with her own kid instead of bringing in a new 'normal'.

    If it's a normal scenario, then if the dad doesn't do anything about it and let his own kid be neglected, he's the ahole. If he does protect his daughter by divorcing the wife, then who else is gonna protect his daughter? Not his wife lol

    Loki777 May 1, 2024 6:43 pm
    Also yes HE IS THE AHOLE BJ_Hana

    I understand that because of his job as duke he can hardly be at home, but when it is seen that he does take care of Serena, and from previous comments it seems that he is aware of his daughter's work, because of that and how she is He has demonstrated his abilities, he trusts her so much

    HaniSunflower May 3, 2024 4:37 am

    NTA. Divorce her, she doesn't seem fit to be a mother or your wife. (I love this comment very much.(▰˘◡˘▰) )

    Cid May 12, 2024 10:39 am
    Also yes HE IS THE AHOLE BJ_Hana

    There's a comment that shares what's in the novel that haven't adipted in the manga. The dad knows about his daughter's work and he cared for her in his own way. The mom is the dumbfck Ahole.