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Since the other manga from this author, was super toxic, full of cheating, gaslighting, an...

Gr8Pio April 30, 2024 5:06 pm

Since the other manga from this author, was super toxic, full of cheating, gaslighting, and manipulation I would be rly careful with this story as well, especially since in this one there is 3 possible ML's.
With this one author did a rly good job with creating drama with her mother, but since it basically ended, now this story will focus on those 3 guys, and tbh I'm not looking forward to it, stories with multiple love interests are annoying af, but I bet this author will create something really fked up.
I swear anagura amelie (author's prev work) is the most disgusting story I have ever read, and it's not even close, that's how bad it is.
I'm not saying it because I want ppl to drop it, but I think it's good to be prepared, since this story already have a dark tone it might become very angst.
Prev title started rly fluffy, and in span of few chapters story became unbearable, good guys were cheated on, fl was lying, secretive pos, she was gaslighted by some random guy, and left her boyfriend for him.

I hope my rant helped someone be prepared for the worst.
