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Big Gangsta Daddy

pinkdragon April 30, 2024 8:19 pm

The way he stared and noticed his love struck face ahhhh why was that such a manly power move like .”dont go laying ur eyes on somone that isnt me”mkay mkay but ok back to the ML i actually like him and the MC this chapter wrapped it up well .so many ppl were jumping the boat this chapter shows ML as he wakes up and sees him gone (he doesnt want to be thrown or erased again) his feelings that have always been seeping from the box have finally been unleashed when ML stood there looking at his reflection how desperate he was i feel like this was Just for the readers or viewers like a foreshadowing despite his hard shell this was the real him the author was showing this glimpse to the reader love that!

And omg that fucking Brother did something !! U way he followed the young ML to the MCs home like he definatly caused a rift and misunderstanding cus he wanted the ML to himself. *some siblings are jealous like that. Crazy i really like the metaphor when they were playing the switch so far am really like this and in this chapter it wrapped up well that the MC wanted this and despite everything he wanted ML he knew he was going to pretend to be his lover and still chose this
