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I read the 2nd part as well. The art is beautiful but I kept thinking "Kageyama is even m...

Oddy April 30, 2024 11:15 pm

I read the 2nd part as well.

The art is beautiful but I kept thinking "Kageyama is even more obtuse in this than usual."

Tbh Kageyama is cruel in this. Thankfully I don't believe he would act like this canonically. The way he acts here is much colder and calmer than he usualy does. No excitement, no being a happy idiot , just-- cold. Cruel. And utterly obtuse as he cannot even see what he truly wants.

Koyoma was a great original character and despite him and Hinata not having smth as special as Hinata and Kageyama do, I found myself rooting for him and his happiness.

I understand kagehina has smth deeper than what Koyoma was feeling, but the way Kageyama went about the whole thing as if he was above it all made him less likeable.

In any case, thank u to the creator for putting in so much effort and thought into this story. The art is next level gorgeous
