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homo(sapien) May 1, 2024 8:35 am

Idk if I'm alone in this but I'm so tired of uke’s saying “no” and “stop” when having sex, especially when they legit *want* to have the sex in the first place! So it’s always a breath of fresh air when the uke is enthusiastic in bed. Have you ever noticed that it’s rare to see an uke in yaoi say “yes” and “more” when getting railed??? Because i’m sick and tired of it man!! I want ENTHUSIASTIC consent in my mangas.

Anyway, in this one the uke is super into it, as it should be!!

    Sora May 1, 2024 10:42 am

    To be honest I did but to be fair to be railed by these monster stamina having semes with huge ass dicks… I’d be saying No to after abit of that, they always out pace the Uke I feel so bad for them their holes,backs and hips. This Seme seemed normal only time I see Yes is with the normal ones.