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"Oh my, my boyfriend went with other guys and gals before me?"

sheeze May 1, 2024 4:00 pm

Why? Can't your boyfriend meet someone else before you? Its not like you are the only person living in the world. I don't think Naui is angry of worrying about aids or std, he is angry because Muhyeok had a very wild past. This probably trigger insecurities in him. This is why you should never ask about the past of your partner if you are not ready to "not be mad" about something s/he can't change.

    lyney May 1, 2024 4:13 pm

    no but partners should talk abt their past relationships n how many ppl they’ve been w . even tho this is js fiction if my partner didn’t tell me they had multiple partners in the past i would’ve been pissed to cus there’s a chance u could b having a player as a bf/gf and they don’t js “change” and get ready to settle down for u.. carrying stds is also another thing

    sheeze May 1, 2024 5:37 pm
    no but partners should talk abt their past relationships n how many ppl they’ve been w . even tho this is js fiction if my partner didn’t tell me they had multiple partners in the past i would’ve been pis... lyney

    I never said people should not talk about their past. I reiterate, people should not ask about the past of their partner if they are not ready to not get mad about something s/he can't change. First statement states as is. Second statement states people may talk about the past when they are emotionally ready.

    I agree that people can't "just" change just because they want to. However, you can't deny that people change. If they are willing to settle, people may go to such length as to change their lifestyle. Indeed, people can't change overnight, but they can change overtime if they will allow themselves to.

    I do believe that people should get check to make sure that they do not carry contagious diseases such as std or aids. However, past is irrelevant in terms with this matter. We should normalize having our health get check without slut shaming or bringing out unnecessary past situations because it won't help someone get heal if ever they did get infected, either way. Partners should both agreed to do the test, without unnecessary drama, get diagnose at early stage and get better by the help of the doctors.

    lovelybl May 3, 2024 3:35 am

    Isn't it best to talk it out early in your relationship? Let's be honest: your past may have had an impact on who you are today. Plus, you wouldn't like it if you discovered later that you had an STD because your partner slept around in the past and you didn't talk about it. Even if they were angry, that is still a valid response; everyone has the right to express their feelings.