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NightOwl26 May 1, 2024 5:01 pm

I very much like this story and will continue to read it, I'm just finding a factor in this story that seems to always show up in other "revenge"/"reverse time" type stories. In all of the stories I've read so far, when the FL returns to the past to fix whatever happened in the future (such as their death) I'm noticing that the FL is always assuming that the future won't change. For example in chapter 21 Aria is surprised at the sudden introduction of Rain, who she never met before. But the thing is... why would she be surprised?? Since she now KNOWS the future, same with the FL in other stories, why would she think it won't change? Of course the future will be different now! It'll be different BECAUSE she knows the future. Basically, I'd just like to see a FL who thinks like "okay. I know the future which means things COULD be the same, but I should also expect that the future could change because I know what will happen and I am changing things NOW to change that bad thing that will happen."

Idk. Does this make sense to you guys? I just feel like she should've expected things wouldn't be the same since she is actively trying to change a future that technically hasn't happened yet but she knows about.

    LatteGratte May 8, 2024 1:47 pm

    It makes sense. That’s also something that annoys me lol.

    Tomosen May 30, 2024 10:55 pm

    Hmm. It may have been that she thought that the future wouldn't change, but I think she was more surprised by the fact that there is someone wery rich that she didn't meet in her past life (and we know that the roscents were the richest in the empire)

    What I mean is... maybe she thought some things would change, because some things really did change, but not to this extent.

    But yeah, "I deff will die if I can't be best friends with the heroine/male leads" etc. is a little bit too used in some stories...

    Tomosen May 30, 2024 10:56 pm
    Hmm. It may have been that she thought that the future wouldn't change, but I think she was more surprised by the fact that there is someone wery rich that she didn't meet in her past life (and we know that the... Tomosen

    *very ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    NightOwl26 May 30, 2024 11:38 pm
    Hmm. It may have been that she thought that the future wouldn't change, but I think she was more surprised by the fact that there is someone wery rich that she didn't meet in her past life (and we know that the... Tomosen

    That's a good point!