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Lmao I just love how everyone is like “fuck Ian, Tj deserves better and hope he finds so...

LoverOfYaoi May 1, 2024 7:07 pm

Lmao I just love how everyone is like “fuck Ian, Tj deserves better and hope he finds someone else blah blah”… like are we really forgetting that they’re in this triangle because Tj doesn’t want to let go of Ian? Like are we forgetting what Tj did to Ian in the past all because of his possessiveness and obsession?

Lmao I guess everyone got amnesia all because of some tall hot guy!

FYI: Ian is a grown ass man that can do whatever the fuck he wants, he’s not holding a gun to Jo’s face to force to be in a situationship with him. Jo is just willingly infatuated with him!

    eyla May 1, 2024 7:36 pm

    so what exactly did he do expect dragging him into drug businesses i dont see the "what Tj did to Ian in the past all bc of hes possessiveness and obsession" you re talking abt

    LaNansha May 1, 2024 8:56 pm
    so what exactly did he do expect dragging him into drug businesses i dont see the "what Tj did to Ian in the past all bc of hes possessiveness and obsession" you re talking abt eyla

    He didn’t drag him into the drug business. He got him to stop using drugs by getting into the gang business so he could keep a close eye on him instead of overdosing on drugs like his own mother

    Negg May 1, 2024 10:41 pm
    He didn’t drag him into the drug business. He got him to stop using drugs by getting into the gang business so he could keep a close eye on him instead of overdosing on drugs like his own mother LaNansha

    I kinda understand though, hard situations require not so clear/good decisions in story telling

    LaNansha May 1, 2024 10:55 pm
    I kinda understand though, hard situations require not so clear/good decisions in story telling Negg

    Not just in storytelling, but in life, too. He didn't know any better, so he did something he knew he could have control over by keeping Ian close by so he could watch him since Ian was using drugs whenever his back was turned. Being in a gang is often the result of not knowing any better, thinking it's your only way to make money or just thrive with what little you have. Others think it's cool too, but we're not talking about them lol.

    LoverOfYaoi May 2, 2024 8:14 am
    so what exactly did he do expect dragging him into drug businesses i dont see the "what Tj did to Ian in the past all bc of hes possessiveness and obsession" you re talking abt eyla

    Lmao the dude is literally the reason Ian has that scar on his ankle and he couldn’t do motocross anymore!

    Emihue May 2, 2024 1:17 pm

    Exactly!! TJ never lets Ian move on and Continues to Gulilt him into staying with him. Ian love TJ but he is not In love with him . Hence why he was never satisfied with him and always felt empty until jo came into the picture and TJ kept following them not letting them be happy

    Cofgof May 2, 2024 6:50 pm
    so what exactly did he do expect dragging him into drug businesses i dont see the "what Tj did to Ian in the past all bc of hes possessiveness and obsession" you re talking abt eyla

    Have you read the story? TJ is the reason why Ian couldn’t go to California to race professionally, he also intentionally gave Ian 2 years in prison and debt so he couldn’t leave. I love both of the MLs in this story because of their flaws both Tj and Jo are very clearly possessive.

    hatdiggitydog May 2, 2024 8:22 pm

    sorry but what you said about the reason they're in this triangle is NOT bc of just tj. everyone fails to realise that tj and ian's toxic relationship is NOT ONESIDED FROM JUST TJ YALL PLEASE.

    this whole thing started from BOTH of them not being able to let go, it's not just ian wanting to be free and tj holding him back. like you said, ian is a grown ass man and can do whatever he wants, and he literally chooses tj every time. that's why it's so crazy that people seem to just blame tj oh the one who won't let go. ian's not letting go too he's not just being abused and forced by tj.

    and actually tj has let ian go finally after the hospital incident and telling him not to come to the funeral, and telling ian he's gonna give him one last chance to leave forever in that car, and ian still stayed like that's enough proof it's not just tj holding on. and tj made a choice to cut ian off as we can see recently so it's unfair to put the whole blame on him.

    LaNansha May 2, 2024 8:53 pm
    sorry but what you said about the reason they're in this triangle is NOT bc of just tj. everyone fails to realise that tj and ian's toxic relationship is NOT ONESIDED FROM JUST TJ YALL PLEASE. this whole thing ... hatdiggitydog

    eyla May 3, 2024 8:16 pm
    sorry but what you said about the reason they're in this triangle is NOT bc of just tj. everyone fails to realise that tj and ian's toxic relationship is NOT ONESIDED FROM JUST TJ YALL PLEASE. this whole thing ... hatdiggitydog

    I feel like my non-existent tumor got cured after reading this

    andimafreak May 4, 2024 7:32 am

    In upcoming chapters you'll see the kind of person jo is. Imo it's ian who's holding onto both tj and jo, he can't move on from tj so he's using jo, even in their (ian n jo) sex scene ian keeps thinking about tj. The real problem is ian not tj or jo.

    I mean if I were in his shoes I'd keep holding onto tj as well no matter how toxic he is, cause both of them considered each other their family, they practically grew up together and saw each other at their worse that what makes their bond strong and unbreakable. Reminder that you can clap with one hand, it takes 2, so stop blaming everything on tj

    LaNansha May 4, 2024 8:52 am
    I feel like my non-existent tumor got cured after reading this eyla

    LaNansha May 4, 2024 8:53 am
    In upcoming chapters you'll see the kind of person jo is. Imo it's ian who's holding onto both tj and jo, he can't move on from tj so he's using jo, even in their (ian n jo) sex scene ian keeps thinking about t... andimafreak