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I hate Ian's communication skills- my man should just sort things out with that TJ and mov...

Ari May 1, 2024 8:00 pm

I hate Ian's communication skills- my man should just sort things out with that TJ and move on with jo

    LaNansha May 1, 2024 8:47 pm

    Or sort out things with TJ and be happy with him.

    Chechu May 2, 2024 7:19 am
    Or sort out things with TJ and be happy with him. LaNansha

    I mean, I don't hate TJ but he literally is obsessed with Ian and the man can't make him happy and knows it. He just wants to have him by his side until he dies (TJ) or until Ian inevitably tries to run again.

    LaNansha May 2, 2024 8:37 am
    I mean, I don't hate TJ but he literally is obsessed with Ian and the man can't make him happy and knows it. He just wants to have him by his side until he dies (TJ) or until Ian inevitably tries to run again. Chechu

    Have we been reading two different stories? Sometimes it feels like a lot of you are still stuck in the first few chapters and flashbacks of season 1. Everything that has unfolded since, it’s like you can’t truly comprehend it.

    This isn’t a one-sided relationship. You would notice, by the way Ian reacted to seeing TJ in the hospital, That he also feels overprotective of him. That’s why his first instinct, when he saw TJ there, was revenge. He looked so angry, you could see what probably led TJ to fall for him at one point. His devotion to him. It’s why when TJ finally decided to let him go, Ian actually refused to leave and even went to the funeral when TJ asked him to stay away.

    From other flashbacks, we’ve also noticed that since TJ got Ian off the drugs he was abusing, he probably also feels responsible for him and on top of his love for him, that’s also one of the reasons why he always feels the need to keep Ian close. Especially after that flashback where it looked like Ian kept using drugs when TJ’s back was turned. It’s not so much obsession, but rather codependency.

    They need to learn to communicate and grow as people. That’s something the writer can do
    if that’s what she plans for her characters. Only then would they be good for each other, but it’s not an impossibility.

    Emihue May 2, 2024 1:16 pm
    I mean, I don't hate TJ but he literally is obsessed with Ian and the man can't make him happy and knows it. He just wants to have him by his side until he dies (TJ) or until Ian inevitably tries to run again. Chechu


    MOONCHILD May 2, 2024 4:23 pm
    Have we been reading two different stories? Sometimes it feels like a lot of you are still stuck in the first few chapters and flashbacks of season 1. Everything that has unfolded since, it’s like you can’t... LaNansha

    I think you overly romanticized everything. TJ never wanted to let go of Ian. Are we forgetting that his main purpose from the beginning to bring Ian back to him and he did I mean the situation favoured him. They are not communicating because once they will everything will fall apart between them but eventually one day they will have to communicate.

    LaNansha May 2, 2024 6:12 pm
    I think you overly romanticized everything. TJ never wanted to let go of Ian. Are we forgetting that his main purpose from the beginning to bring Ian back to him and he did I mean the situation favoured him. Th... MOONCHILD

    Romanticized... what? It might sound romantic to you but I'm just stating the facts as I've seen them. I'm talking about the current storyline as well, not about what we've learned in the first few chapters of season 1.

    And when did I say he wanted to let him go? I said he just decided to put his selfish desire to keep Ian close on the back burner to keep him safe because of what's currently happening with the gang stuff. Re-reading chapter 42 and seeing how stressed TJ was to see that Ian didn't listen to him might give y'all the refresher you need.

    I feel like it's become very easy for some of you to just remember what he's done before and not comprehend what's happening now. It's to the point where it seems everything TJ does now is just a ploy.
    - The artist draws how stressed he is through his body language, but some of you will ignore that and remember what he did in the begining of season 1 instead.

    - TJ tells Ian to take this chance and leave because this chance might not come back around, but some of you choose to assume he's either manipulating Ian (once again ignoring every clue seen through his body language) or lying through his teeth, despite having no proof to the contrary.

    - Since Ian won't leave, TJ leaves, some of you assume it's another ploy. Like.... and I'm the one reading this thing wrong????

    You don't know what will happen once they communicate. You just assuming that too. Ands it's not a bad assumption, but the opposite is not impossible. People with that much history tangled up in strong emotions having a real conversation for the first time will definitely force them to truly look at themselves, at each other, and to decide whether what they have is worth rebuilding or walking away from. And it's okay either way. I literally do not have a problem with the outcome, I just want the ending of this story to make sense.

    MOONCHILD May 2, 2024 7:06 pm
    Romanticized... what? It might sound romantic to you but I'm just stating the facts as I've seen them. I'm talking about the current storyline as well, not about what we've learned in the first few chapters of ... LaNansha

    1. Listen the issue is here how most people are not able to delve into Ian's dialogues and and reflect on it. The amount of time I have seen people dismissed and romanticized to fit into a narrative they want to believe just to favour their favourite top. Even TJ's dialogues are dismissed as well. The storyline from season 1 until is connected. You can't just dismiss the twist in season 1 as if it doesn't hold any meanings for the progression of the story. Everything has a connection.
    2. TJ was pissed because Ian ruined his plan. Ian was not supposed to be at the funeral.
    3. He's guilt tripping Ian because he knows Ian will not abandon him when it comes to the safety of his life. He perfectly utilises the moment as if he's letting him go just to hear Ian agreeing to coming back to him because that's what he's been aiming for since the beginning. TJ knows Ian better than anyone.
    4. If Ian wants to be free and live the life he wants (wet sand is all about Ian living his desired life), he can't just brush TJ and their unspoken issue under the rug because it always look over him. He needs to face him and the issues head on before he can truly have a peace.
    The question for you, do you purposely missed all these details because TJ is your favourite. This is only half of the details and there's more that I didn't point out yet.

    LaNansha May 2, 2024 7:31 pm

    Answersing point 2: TJ was pissed because Ian showed up after he told him to stay away. Or do you actually believe TJ doesn't care about Ian at all? That the accident he was in is fake? That his life isn't in danger? If you believe that, then everything you're saying makes sense. If not, it doesn't. "TJ was pissed because Ian ruined his plans." What are you basing that assumption on?

    Answering point 3: Like I said, pay attention to the body language the artist took the time to depict. I don't know why you're dismissing that to go with your personal belief. Ian also knows TJ better than anyone, that's why he paid attention to TJ's body language and understood TJ was actually scared about the lack of control he was having over a situation that now got both their lives in danger

    Answering point 4: and that's a fact

    My answer to your question: everything I've said is based on facts. I don't have a favorite character, but I do love TJ, and that didn't start for me until we reached the end of season 1 and I realized I was most entertained by his scenes. By that point, I actually believed he was just a side-character so I wasn't trying to root for him. However as I like all the characters and what they bring to the table, I judge them as they've been portrayed. When I wrong, I can easily admit that. However I don't see how my analysis of these characters and their relationship is wrong.

    On the other end, your response to me feels like you judge things based on past behavior and you don't accurately read the story in the way the author means for it to unfold. Like when someone has wronged you in the past and you can't see past it. That's what your assessment of TJ feels like. So at this point, the only way you or I can be proven wrong is by reaching the end of the story. Because if none of the points I've made ring true to you, there's no point continuing this conversation.

    hatdiggitydog May 2, 2024 8:15 pm
    Have we been reading two different stories? Sometimes it feels like a lot of you are still stuck in the first few chapters and flashbacks of season 1. Everything that has unfolded since, it’s like you can’t... LaNansha

    ily you deserve a gold medal for saying this...

    barely anyone ever notices that tj and ian's relationship is NOT onesided at all from just tj. everyone calls him obsessed which he is, but so is ian. this whole thing stems from the both of them.

    LaNansha May 2, 2024 8:21 pm
    ily you deserve a gold medal for saying this...barely anyone ever notices that tj and ian's relationship is NOT onesided at all from just tj. everyone calls him obsessed which he is, but so is ian. this whole t... hatdiggitydog

    haha, thank you. It's one of the most fascinating aspects of their relationship to me because with Ian, it's so not obvious that it's easy to miss. Very understated. I coulddn't ship anyone for over 20 chapters because I was still trying to grasp the whole thing together, but when I could truly grasp the depth of their relationship, it made the whole thing worth looking forward to. I was also waiting on Jo to develop some more, so the past few chapters have been good to that effect.

    hatdiggitydog May 2, 2024 8:30 pm
    haha, thank you. It's one of the most fascinating aspects of their relationship to me because with Ian, it's so not obvious that it's easy to miss. Very understated. I coulddn't ship anyone for over 20 chapters... LaNansha

    i agree their relationship is so complicated that it really can't be summed down to just "tj is bad and ian is good" like everyone says. they're both very morally grey people and each have their faults neither is perfect and tj isn't as horrible and shitty as people make him out to be.

    also have you read the newest korean chapter?? it reveals that in season 1 when tj and ian had their little breakup, joe actually saw tj going inside ian's apartment so he went outside and ran into ian who was just crying and rushing out to talk to tj. joe actually knew that tj came back to talk to ian and was standing from afar watching joe and ian, so joe got really possessive, intentionally held ian's hand and stopped him from going to tj under the pretense of "hey are you okay". this is really getting interesting tbh i think joe's more possessive is really coming out and it proves to everyone that he isn't as good and innocent as people call him.

    MOONCHILD May 2, 2024 8:52 pm
    Answersing point 2: TJ was pissed because Ian showed up after he told him to stay away. Or do you actually believe TJ doesn't care about Ian at all? That the accident he was in is fake? That his life isn't in d... LaNansha

    If you really read that chapter well you know why TJ was pissed over Ian coming to the funeral. Have I made any point suggesting that I never believed that TJ doesn't care about Ian? Never. It's not my assumptions because that's what happened in that chapter.

    I never implement my personal opinion on anything because I only wanted to view everything from the author's pov and try to understand her story and characters the way she wants people to understand em. Correction, Ian only knows TJ from the surface. There's so much things that Ian still doesn't know about TJ despite them being together for 19/20 years. But TJ on the other hand, he knows Ian better than anyone in this story.

    Everything you've said based on what you choose to believe. If we blinded by favouritism, sometimes our analysis can be wrong because we might wanted to favour the characters we like.

    The past is very important for me to judge a character. I believed it's the same for the author too. Everyone made and will make mistakes in story. What I want to see is the effort the put to .... If you have read accurately you could've point out about the guilt tripping but your didn't.

    LaNansha May 2, 2024 9:09 pm
    i agree their relationship is so complicated that it really can't be summed down to just "tj is bad and ian is good" like everyone says. they're both very morally grey people and each have their faults neither ... hatdiggitydog

    Just saw it. I wonder if that happened after TJ went into hiding and he tried to see Ian or if it was before. The fact that he walked away only invalidates the this weird belief people have about whether or not he genuinely cares about Ian.

    Anyway, seeing the raw gave me an idea of how the story could unfild if it was meant to be semi-tragic in the end:

    - after continuously and successfully doing his best to keep TJ and Ian apart, TJ ends up alone in a dire situation and dies

    - Because of TJ's death, Ian relapses and Jo is unable to help him get off the drugs. In fact, Ian resents him because he couldn't be there for TJ before he dies. Ian overdoses and either puts himself together and leaves on his own or he dies.

    - Having been pulled into the gang life because of his cousin and the dangers in Ian and TJ's lives, Jo ends up being the one leading the gang. That would be both sad and hilarious because I can't see him in a gang as of now, but he definitely shows potential.

    hatdiggitydog May 2, 2024 9:46 pm
    Just saw it. I wonder if that happened after TJ went into hiding and he tried to see Ian or if it was before. The fact that he walked away only invalidates the this weird belief people have about whether or not... LaNansha

    LMAOO the last point made me laugh i just cannot imagine little happy joe ruling a gang i feel like it goes so much against his morals.

    but same i have a feeling that tj might die OR joe will, because of that one chapter in season 1 when joe and ian were on the roof and joe told the story of orion and apollo so i really feel like that's foreshadowing to someone's future death i'm very scared to find out it'll be horrible either way

    LaNansha May 2, 2024 9:54 pm
    LMAOO the last point made me laugh i just cannot imagine little happy joe ruling a gang i feel like it goes so much against his morals. but same i have a feeling that tj might die OR joe will, because of that o... hatdiggitydog

    Yeah, somehow, it feels like it might have a bad ending for one of our three leads, if not all three. That's mostly why my only wish is for them to be happy in the end, regardless of who ends up with who haha

    hatdiggitydog May 2, 2024 10:03 pm
    Yeah, somehow, it feels like it might have a bad ending for one of our three leads, if not all three. That's mostly why my only wish is for them to be happy in the end, regardless of who ends up with who haha LaNansha

    same i think the author said this is not going to have a happy ending so let's just wait and see :/

    LaNansha May 2, 2024 10:27 pm
    same i think the author said this is not going to have a happy ending so let's just wait and see :/ hatdiggitydog

    No actually, what she said is that she has a thing for film noir and not so happy stories. So she wrote this story with the same feeling in mind. So the story could truly have an ending that isn't so bad. It's just that that's not the tone we're getting as of now.