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So what i’m getting is that this dude was raped by his dad so to make himself feel bette...

Aether May 2, 2024 1:52 am

So what i’m getting is that this dude was raped by his dad so to make himself feel better he chose to do the same to his little brother so he wouldn’t be the only one who suffered that trauma. Cuz apparently ruining his kid brothers innocence brought him joy. Now he feels guilty and is wallowing in self pity? listen, i feel bad for him and his circumstances because he didn’t deserve what his father did to him. That doesn’t excuse his actions though and he knows that pain yet he chose to inflict it onto his kid brother. He's the villain that i feel bad for, but can’t forgive his actions. Author might give him a happy ending, but he doesn’t deserve it.

    Etheve May 15, 2024 12:38 pm

    This is one of the most grown up replies I read about this manga. Totally agree with you.