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Well, as far as love interests go, I’d rather he sticks with Reaper. Hoping it doesn’t...

LaNansha May 2, 2024 3:37 am

Well, as far as love interests go, I’d rather he sticks with Reaper. Hoping it doesn’t turn into a harem. As far as his relationship with Beelzebub go, I’m looking forward to the developing brotherhood. Hope to see more of it actually.

    Chaos May 2, 2024 10:54 am

    I'm also looking forward to more BaphoBeel brotherly scenes!! I'm pretty sure their relationship, from outsiders' point of view, looks totally wholesome.
    Disregarding Beel's legit age, his human form looks adorable and makes his dynamic with Bapho less of a master-servant and more older brother who rules the world and won't let his younger bro win even in Mario kart, and younger brother who thinks his big bro sucks but is super obedient because of the power play at hand. Lol