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tikitiki May 2, 2024 6:45 pm

I feel like the author doesn't like writing romance... otherwise how are we still at the point where you can completely deny that Kael has any feeling for you? mans grabbed both your hands said your not running away this time and kissed you. then LIED and said ya'll did the dirty. come on Hestia... Like I get she's in a novel yada yada yada but you've been here for two lives now I think it's safe to say these are actual people. Like the fact that life starts for you once the Novel is coming to an END should show that these are actual people... she's pissing me off fr.

    Strawberry-kun May 3, 2024 1:45 am

    Actually it's not that I understand but I think it's something to do with the way she has perceived the characters. She thinks she can never be a part of this world and somewhere in her mind "the kael who was ready die for diana" has been imprinted so she can't think of the same guy liking her. Also, I think she os too caught up in the revenge to notice that but I have a different opinion about this. Anymore it will be a spoiler.

    tikitiki May 3, 2024 5:13 am
    Actually it's not that I understand but I think it's something to do with the way she has perceived the characters. She thinks she can never be a part of this world and somewhere in her mind "the kael who was r... Strawberry-kun

    yeah I understand that in a way but I feel like the premise being she totally bypasses the actual story and is only seeing the aftermath. The author made it so that they are in fact acting of their own free will, there is no more story. so why is she still trapped in the idea of them just being story characters? it feels like a plot hole to me, but well if you've read the whole thing hopefully theu will make sense of this later

    Strawberry-kun May 4, 2024 4:58 pm
    yeah I understand that in a way but I feel like the premise being she totally bypasses the actual story and is only seeing the aftermath. The author made it so that they are in fact acting of their own free wil... tikitiki

    From what I read and understood from the novel, her sole purpose is the downfall of Diane and then give that white hair guy a life/means to live. She thinks that's what she has to do and then she will be back to her original end. There is one more reason, she just can't believe or trust kael's love for her, more like she doesn't even notice because she is too caught up in revenge and thinks Kael kinda still likes Diane..... this gets proved, kinda..... spoiler

    when everything was ready to make diane step down from the role of crown princess but Kael decided not to hold it against her and didn't support her disthronement. It was like throwing water on all of Fl's work, effort that she put until then. Which leds the FL to think Kael is still in love with her and that's why he didn't support her disthronement. This almost made her suicide because she thought she has no more use and this way maybe she can go back to her world. Later it gets revealed that kael did it because the crown prince asked for it and he wanted to over with diane and crown prince's matter so that he can focus on him and FL but he didn't discuss it with FL and kinda avoided her before it happened. FL storngly believed that Kael still loves diane and her plan of pulling her down from high seat didn't work since kael interfered and won't work anymore, and thus she doesn't have a purpose anymore. She never thought that kael actually started liking her because the marriage was forced by fl and kael let her do everything because he wasn't interested and suddenly when he went back to work, the first significant thing he did was opposing Diane's disthronement, obviously there are more stuffs he did but this hit the FL most. To be frank, I don't like Kael, he doesn't want revenge because he spent more time for Diane and doesn't want to do that anymore and wants to focus on his life, I get it. But he knew for a fact that all FL is doing is getting revenge for him and FL almost lets him know everything he does, so he could have just asked her not to do it and stop with it. But no, he let it marinate; FL put efforts into stuffs and he just watched and when it was time to brew it, he blew her efforts. I hate these kinds the most.

    tikitiki May 5, 2024 1:19 am
    From what I read and understood from the novel, her sole purpose is the downfall of Diane and then give that white hair guy a life/means to live. She thinks that's what she has to do and then she will be back t... Strawberry-kun

    damn.. yeah that sounds really frustrating. I like that in just the last chapter on here is Helios promising them not to ask them to interfere in his relationship and he won't in theirs and then this happens lol.

    this story could be summed up to a bunch of walking mental illnesses.

    Strawberry-kun May 5, 2024 10:14 am
    damn.. yeah that sounds really frustrating. I like that in just the last chapter on here is Helios promising them not to ask them to interfere in his relationship and he won't in theirs and then this happens lo... tikitiki

    Yeah! but at the end Helios does end up divorcing diane and marrying another lady. So we can say FL's revenge succeeded. Well All is well that ends well. But it's true, all of them have some sort of mental illness. I am not even sure how I managed to finish this frustrating piece of novel!

    LatteGratte May 5, 2024 6:38 pm
    From what I read and understood from the novel, her sole purpose is the downfall of Diane and then give that white hair guy a life/means to live. She thinks that's what she has to do and then she will be back t... Strawberry-kun

    “she is too caught up in revenge and thinks Kael kinda still likes Diana..... this gets proved,” that’s wrong. He doesn’t still like Diana, he simply doesn’t want anything to do with her anymore or anything to do with Helios. I still don’t understand the mindset behind people who believe he still likes Diana just because he pardoned her. No, he doesn’t. He simply wants to live with Hestia in peace and leave the palace people to their own devices. I can understand being upset by his decision, but I don’t think we should be misconstruing his actions. “So he could have just asked her to stop”, sorry, but do you really think that Hestia would have stopped just because she asked? She came back to life just to avenge him… and considering that she wasn’t thinking of the characters as real people, I doubt she would have. Her efforts, in my opinion, were selfish. Did she ever ask him if he wanted revenge…? No, she didn’t. She was just bulldozing forward. I don’t think it’s right to villainize him for a revenge he didn’t even desire… I do not even think he was in the wrong for what he did. He is the one who was driven to suicide by Diana, he deserves that much autonomy to make his own decisions about how he wants to treat them. Either way, it’s not as if all of Hestia’s efforts were for nothing. She managed to sow discord between Diana and Helios that could not be fixed again.

    Strawberry-kun May 8, 2024 4:58 am
    “she is too caught up in revenge and thinks Kael kinda still likes Diana..... this gets proved,” that’s wrong. He doesn’t still like Diana, he simply doesn’t want anything to do with her anymore or an... LatteGratte

    That's what Hestia must be thinking, it's not my point. You see Helios is tired of Diana and wants to do nothing with her, this is clear as a sky to the reader but not to Hestia. But he never came forward and asked Hestia to drop the plan and go somewhere else to live because initially he just let Hestia do whatever she wanted. His feelings for Hestia developed slowly and by the time he was sure, Hestia was already too far in the revenge plan. It's true that Hestia might not have stopped if he asked, but I don't remember if he at least tried. (like i don't remember this part,might be wrong as well) But this is nothing that pisses me off, like Helios is the biggest victim in the novel and he deserves a happy life. What pisses me and some other readers off is he never discusses anything with Hestia before doing, like important ones! That event, diana's disthronement is the biggest example. Like he waited until Hestia planned, gathered everybody, got approval, and then one day ago he just said he opposes the plan because he knew, his decision is enough to overthrow everybody else. Like I know, the crown prince asked to keep it a secret But really! Again doing favor to the crown prince who is 50% responsible for that suicide!? Did we not learn anything from first time? Like, since he wanted nothing to do with Diana, crown prince; then let them wipe their own butt! He only came to his sense when he found out that Hestia wanted to jump from the window and then left the capital to change the environment! Hestia wanted revenge but if Helios butted in atleast a little earlier like he did at the disthronement, I still think everything could have been solved to some degree. Again, we need drama so that's the purpose. And I think you are correct where you are standing I am correct at my standing! We have a very opposing way of seeing and analysing the issue.