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mixed feelings

taersty May 2, 2024 10:26 pm

ok the art is stunning like even the side characters are excellent but the only truly likeable character here is minako. loved it when she corrected sakuraba about her love for cooking. what a girl boss (even tho i always think women that know their husband is cheating on them should just poison them and move on lol)

i get why sakuraba was like that but i really wanted him to drop ded the first few chapters. like he was lucky to have found someone to change him for the better but unfortunately there's a bunch of men who will always be misogynistic pieces of shiet like him and that's enough of a reason to dislike him tbh.
the husband is also a douche and asami is an ass for being with a married man and falling in love with idiots (but can't really blame him too much for that because don't we all at some point in our life?)
but anyway, loved the bit where sakuraba was finally freely able to explore the things he couldn't before and how asami found him cute (how the tables have turned huh). they still have a lot to learn though.

    taersty May 2, 2024 10:33 pm

    oh and btw sakuraba will still be getting marriage proposals i believe. whoever told him to be happy on the phone definitely didn't mean "be gay do crimes, son" like they still want him to be married and have kids lol. like asami better be prepared because the history will repeat itself