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(Ch.63 caught up) Redemption Arc

Bandit May 3, 2024 10:39 am

I think that people are right in the comments to be mad about him using the Uke’s money, and I agree that he should be shat on a bit so he learns or at least feels bad. However I don’t agree with the people mad about how this isn’t a redemption arc. He had a set back of being overly selfish and overbearing. However he is still redeeming himself, its a process and honestly I enjoy him messing up and learning, he’s an ass but I know it’ll work out. Compared to how he acted before this was an overstep yes, but still better he cares and when he gets shown its wrong he will learn.

    Bandit May 3, 2024 10:41 am

    Again not saying what he did was okay, just saying he is trying. So even if he’s doing a shit job I still like the same. <3