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They're both wrong.

0SilverRevil0 May 3, 2024 10:52 am

I've seen a lot of hypocrites here picking and choosing their situation when BOTH are in the wrong here, Seo An never talking with time and assuming that Wonwoo would leave everything behind (probably because Seo An doesn't have family or anyone besides Wonwoo so he doesn't have anything keeping him in Korea which I understand, it explains his thought process because he's never been treated kindly by family and doesn't have any like Wonwoo) and Wonwoo is being both stubborn and foolish he keeps letting people walk over him and when he's presented in a situation that requires conversation and expressing feelings he runs away. He's immature he's young. I'm glad he could acknowledge though having a conversation while emotions are high usually don't work out well so stop, take a deep breath and talk later. Granted Seo An is a dominant confrontational person while Wonwoo isn't so it's a bad match for an argument it can come off as him being selfish and egoistical but I don't think he has bad intentions. Their nature's clash and they're not communicating properly. Hopefully they can soon have a honest conversation. And Wonwoo should STOP HARBORING SECRETS DON'T TRY TO CARRY THE WORLD ON YOUR SHOULDERS. For a person raised with at least ONE loving supportive parent (Seo An cannot relate) you'd think he'd at least have time to show emotional vulnerability at least once in a while when with someone he shares a special connection with but he sucks at that. Let others help you. Humans are NOT solitary creatures. You cannot do everything alone.

    HRAensn May 3, 2024 10:54 am

    Foul. “Seo an cannot relate” (insert laughing emoji)

    0SilverRevil0 May 3, 2024 10:57 am
    Foul. “Seo an cannot relate” (insert laughing emoji) HRAensn

    Seo An was born into a dog eat dog world/family he's never had parental love or affection growing up and everyone always wanted something out of him he never had someone approach him for him and not his assets so I understand why he shows obvious symptoms of mental illness I would have gone mad YEARS AGO if I was him

    HRAensn May 3, 2024 10:59 am
    Seo An was born into a dog eat dog world/family he's never had parental love or affection growing up and everyone always wanted something out of him he never had someone approach him for him and not his assets... 0SilverRevil0

    Nah I get him, mental health ain’t a joke. Look how shitty he can be, that’s one sign. His family sucks the most though

    HRAensn May 3, 2024 10:59 am
    Seo An was born into a dog eat dog world/family he's never had parental love or affection growing up and everyone always wanted something out of him he never had someone approach him for him and not his assets... 0SilverRevil0

    It’s 99% always the parents

    0SilverRevil0 May 3, 2024 11:04 am
    Nah I get him, mental health ain’t a joke. Look how shitty he can be, that’s one sign. His family sucks the most though HRAensn

    His family is INSANE and manipulative as hell we only got one peek at them but it's been his WHOLE life. Crazy. He can be selfish but it's human and at least he does realize and acknowledge "oh I fucked up" and he tries to communicate although he doesn't sugar coat things/uses soft kind gentle words when doing so while Wonwoo just runs away he has a lot of emotions pent up I think we'll see explode later in the story maybe and it's gonna be BAD like DECADES worth of emotions. It's gonna either break him or make him.