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So many disheartening comments!

Miracle_or_Curse May 3, 2024 2:07 pm

I'm surprised there's a lot more talk about this coming back than talk of the actual story. I was expecting ppl to comment on how the priest is such an asshole and be on the same page about the story like how it usually is when i go to the comments after each update. I personally love this story, i love how theres a strong FL that overcomes their struggle and given the 2nd chance when the goes back in time. Its an added bonus for me when revenge is involved with those assholes who deserve it (you know the typical cliche). Although ppl keep saying its dragged out, I don't really think it is. A lot of important questions have been answered within the story about the time travel and the Duke. Oh and I love the romance too! So i know the author has been on hiatus here and there but at this point I'm actually glad they decided to work on finishing what they started.

    NekoNeko2 May 18, 2024 1:30 pm

    finally... a fresh take... glad someone was on the same page...

    imo the feeling of it being dragged out is mostly from the long af hiatus.