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So...Skylar refuse to go out with Chan even though he knew that Cirrus deleted the message... May 3, 2024 2:18 pm

So...Skylar refuse to go out with Chan even though he knew that Cirrus deleted the message, because he knew how Cirrus would feel if he went to a exhibition with Chan... then here it comes Cirrus being violent and jealous, because he has been frustrated with all the rejection from Skylar while they are in public... They fight, and Skylar tells Cirrus he is only with him bc he can't have Chan... it's obvious he didn't mean it tho, but sometimes when you're angry, you say some hurtful things.

    Nami May 3, 2024 9:24 pm

    Thanks I was thinking the same. When Cirrus threw away the chocolate ( hot or cold?) Sky who don’t like that will fight. May 3, 2024 11:41 pm
    Thanks I was thinking the same. When Cirrus threw away the chocolate ( hot or cold?) Sky who don’t like that will fight. Nami

    Exactly. They are both explosive, and act before they think. So, it was bound to happen.