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Delulu for trululu

Lovelee May 3, 2024 2:43 pm

Vivian mn, I realised that everyone believes that once u have dark magic your evil and once u have light magic or healing magic your some savior, so they don't even give those with dark magic a chance, Leniel was a child and you felt the need to break a child's heart just to satisfy your complex and get praise because you can 'fix' dark magic.They were born with it, it's apart of them, but it doesn't define whether their good or evil and even if u say most dark mages are evil, forcing a stereotype down someone's throat can change their whole personality
Leniel is stronger than you bitch, go take a sat

And his heart is broken so what if it wasn't, how strong would he
have been

    AA hon May 3, 2024 3:15 pm

    And that's on stamping theory woohoooooooooo