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Sunbae's marriage is a usual yaoi plot, so why be so upset.

Anonymous February 5, 2017 6:01 pm

Many people are getting upset over Sunbae's marriage but let's be real, things like this happen a lot in yaoi, so I don't understand the upset. Some see it as a betrayal but, it's also possible that he's getting married for the prestige or security. In many manga especially yaoi, they get married to secure a job or for promotion or because family and work pressures them towards it, or to secure a beard because they believe that being discovered will ruin them. I'm sure we've all read some where this happened and they were forced to give up who they truly wanted because they felt like they couldn't control their own lives, only to end up with the guy they really love through an affair, after divorce or death of the partner. I'm not saying they should be together cause to be honest, both semes are weird ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    kaye February 5, 2017 6:47 pm

    But-butt don't you see how he look at San hwa! It's those dreary eyes! Don't it pissed you off!?