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Ch. 29

Whocares May 3, 2024 7:08 pm

I want to say there is no fucking redemptiom for that blue eyed shitty demon Kang.
Like I keep thinking about POTN and if Nakyum was treated worse and now I am not sure because Seungo(spelling) had his redemption and people praise that.
Kang sucks. He just rapes, hits/burns, talks down, and tries to whore Jin out.
All those cigars he smokes should end with this story of him dying of lung cancer. SEEING HOW HE SMACKED JIN AND THEN RAPED HIM IN CH.29 GOT ME RILED UP. i am upset.
And then he tells him somrthing to the effect of "idk about pretty but this mess suits you better" boy fuck you.

    asmiir_ May 3, 2024 7:35 pm

    no it was sickening I was like shaking omg the slap was so uncalled for.. you pimped him out and then get mad at him for his OBVIOUS feelings omg..


    But author commented today on their twitter it’s a happy ending

    Whocares May 3, 2024 7:50 pm
    no it was sickening I was like shaking omg the slap was so uncalled for.. you pimped him out and then get mad at him for his OBVIOUS feelings omg.. *spoilers* But author commented today on their twitter it’s ... asmiir_

    Yeah, i expected a "happy" ending since that is the recipe. Why make a person so shitty, though???? Sometimes it is satisfying to have that reprieve but Kang sucks. I am sure there are worse BL characters than him who turned 180 and became likeable but we need more respectful men in these stories.
    I like when both people in the relationship are decent like Jooha&Dooshik in Pearl Boy, Shin&Jake from Shutline,  Ye-gyum&Jooin from Love Sick Dog, there are many more but I have been rereading these ones the most. Have the side characters be shitty. Jin already had his shitty counsin and nasty garbage uncle; we dont need the ML Kang to be the worst.
    Also this is reminding me of Steel Under Silk where the ML is starting to get his time to show himself as a reedemable character even tho he slaughtered the MC's family (I dont read this but have seen people online talk about it).

    Ching May 3, 2024 8:01 pm

    Seriously! It messed with my head so much. I feel sick to my stomach after reading the latest chapter. What a weak ass man he is, I mean you fucking have to abuse and rape someone to gain control and feel powerful?? What a pathetic excuse for a man. I hope MC doesn't end up with this rapist bastard. I fucking HATE THE ML AND THAT INDIFFERENT LOOK ON HIS FACE.. Bloody MANWHORE. I'M DISGUSTED

    asmiir_ May 3, 2024 8:06 pm
    Seriously! It messed with my head so much. I feel sick to my stomach after reading the latest chapter. What a weak ass man he is, I mean you fucking have to abuse and rape someone to gain control and feel power... Ching

    No seriously…

    Thank god it wasn’t shown in full like other stories.. he wants to destroy the entire company but doesn’t even investigate the reason Sihyeon wants to destroy it as well..

    I was shaking reading it.. physical violence whenever depicted makes me so scared.. like he could do it at any moment in the future.. how is relationship gonna continue

    Ching May 3, 2024 8:18 pm
    No seriously… Thank god it wasn’t shown in full like other stories.. he wants to destroy the entire company but doesn’t even investigate the reason Sihyeon wants to destroy it as well.. I was shaking read... asmiir_

    Yeah I'm glad they didn't show the entire ordeal. He wants to destroy Sihyeon along with the company, he has absolutely no remorse for the mental and physical torture he's implemented on MC. And at this point I don't even give a fuck about ML's back story or if he's gonna change, he can go choke on his own dick and die for all I care. If at all they end up together then it's gonna be one sorry ass relationship. My anxiety is up the roof

    Justme May 3, 2024 8:48 pm

    Damn im horrified ;-; he is cruel,evil. He even left him there on the floor

    asil2y May 4, 2024 12:28 am
    no it was sickening I was like shaking omg the slap was so uncalled for.. you pimped him out and then get mad at him for his OBVIOUS feelings omg.. *spoilers* But author commented today on their twitter it’s ... asmiir_

    Nahhh it's gotta be stockholm syndrome or something cuz ain't no was they get together and are happy