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Nea May 3, 2024 11:20 pm

so happy that we got so many chapters this update !! tho i’ve started too feel a bit meh about this story sadly, three men being in love with her? and all of them being really popular and important people are kinda boring and bland. was happy with just pinky and was kinda fine with blondie but come on now we don’t need more. also a bit annoyed about the purple haired women that was in like 2 chapters, what was the point with that ?? she was drawn really over exaggerated and hateful in a very cringe way and then just disappeared, it didn’t really contribute to the plot at all :(( i do love the fl tho and pinky so i’ll still stick around but yah i’m starting to feel a bit unsure about this sadly, sucks cuz i really really liked it otherwise <3
