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Wow, the island certainly does wonders for the soul.

Aoba February 5, 2017 8:14 pm

Mani was like a completely different person. He was finally able to smile and laugh again. You would have never guessed that it was the same person. He had to endure years of discrimination and repress his true identity. By doing that, he was unable to forgive himself and developed a cold and stern demeanor. He was essentially a shell of his former self. By returning to the islands, he was able to pardon himself and accept his culture. It was simply heartwarming to see him revel in his homeland. Mani is truly beautiful. He is literally a body of art. I love how he has a seductive nature. I'm glad that Zomu was persistent about his pursuit. They were able to realize their feelings for one another and return to a place of peace. I sincerely hope that there is a second volume for this story.
