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Baz May 4, 2024 12:18 am

She's soooo interesting!!

Siwha being sentimental and vulnerable is just too cute, my boy!!

Sohan, I'm on your side, you had to mature too early and all your choices makes sense and your past explains your actions now, but you don't have to suffer for decisions that was made by the adults at that time. That's the next step, you need to learn how to accept that love have many ways to show, that people who's seemed the most close to us is not always the ones we should sacrifice to, so love your father (apparently you do) but for your health get the space you need from him and from this mindset you are stuck to. Even if it costs you the money you won. I'm totally with you man, and I'll defend you till the end!!

Ps. Sacha and Gabin are so close now, I want to know if it's is a sincere approach by Sacha's side or he will be cold with Gabin later
