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White haired dude is SHlT

KAI May 4, 2024 12:30 am

I read raws but I couldn't get past chapter 17 because I saw white haired dude trying to SA uke, yes he tried to do that and even made uke faint, if you think ML was one that prevented it from happening, you're wrong, it was uke, uke flighted back really well, fighting against pheromones mind you
At that point I was so happy but then ML arrived
he was furious yes but he didn't do nun with white haired guy, no one did anything, why? Because white haired fuker is his brother, this fuker is MF that doesn't need to be held accountable lololol
How original, isn't it
And I'm pretty sure this fuker is gonna 'change' in the future and reconcile with MC, that's what 90% of yaoi authors do, they forgive SA like it's nothing but mistake, so funny isn't it, if world was this easy, everyone will do anything they want and be forgiven because they told you they've changed, so FUKIN EASY
That's why I stopped reading, I'm not even curious if he actually paid for what he did in next chapters, fact that he walked away from that bathroom unharmed by ML in any way is enough for me
