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Skipped most of sex scenes because they were embarrassing and uncomfortable, the uke does ...

Bbb May 4, 2024 2:05 am

Skipped most of sex scenes because they were embarrassing and uncomfortable, the uke does the same thing again and again embarrasses himself and the reader , the seme has no personality, I don't mind toxic semes but this one is very bland , the story is going nowhere, no motives , no twist, just waste of art

    Lil May 4, 2024 2:14 am

    I couldn't agree more. I skipped the sex scenes, because I really can't stand this trend of SA. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable. I stayed purely for the art, and maybe in hopes the uke gets some self respect. The seme has absolutely no personality, even if he did his actions still wouldn't be justified. No plot what so ever, just angry SA.