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Conflicted: amazing story...but is it sugar coating stalker behaviors? Why is the chemis...

LadyTbird May 4, 2024 3:39 am

Conflicted: amazing story...but is it sugar coating stalker behaviors?

Why is the chemistry and affection between these 2 better than so many other stories that aren't about a stalker? (⊙…⊙ )

But I still really love this story! (/TДT)/

    dudewhatlmao May 4, 2024 3:58 am

    1) "yo what if a stalker and his victim have a good relationship somehow" isn't the same as sugarcoating. just like how mafia plots aren't downplaying the real harm mafias have on real life people.

    2) fiction overall is essentially a sandbox where the author and readers explore bad stuff without having to endure real life consequences of that bad stuff. "what if there are big titans that brutally prey upon humans?" "what if you reincarnate as a chair?" "what if the characters are in a toxic relationship?" also, toxicity makes for good drama. watch any soap opera with your grandma and you'd be enthralled.