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Ohh, I always thought Grandfell was somehow living inside Hoyeol's body this whole time, l...

Natuchipss May 4, 2024 4:00 am

Ohh, I always thought Grandfell was somehow living inside Hoyeol's body this whole time, like, two identities living at the same time in the same body, so it was kinda weird.

But I see that all of Grandfell's quirks and actions are like an automatic response of the body and Hoyeol is in fact the one taking decisions even if his body carries them out how Grandfell would to them.

Those times he wanted to sleep even when he was tired but his body moved to clean, must have been like an automatic reflex from Grandfell. Something like when your curse yourself to stop procrastinating but your body just doesn't want to get off the comfy bed...but for Hoyeol is the other way around lol.

    IHaveTurnedFujo May 8, 2024 1:59 am

    Read about 500 chapters in the novel, and I gotta let you know
    You’re not that far off