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Ines and Divorce

StoryofMinglan May 4, 2024 11:07 am

Some readers seem to be confused about this. Perhaps the manhwa is to blame. Not sure what is creating this misunderstanding. Inés already pretty much decided to abandon her divorce plan back in ep59. It wasn’t exactly clear by the wording in the manhwa but the novel part said this:

[The simple idea of leaving as usual, this official residence, people and Cárcel in front of her, all seemed like a distorted picture.

Now there was reality in her thoughts. It was no longer a simple line of words, nor just a feeling of looking down at an empty space on the chess board. This was not the feeling of vaguely looking down at a certain point on a map and choosing her next destination....

‘...It’s me who’s stupid.’]

Notice in the excerpt above she said leaving Carcel and the people in her home now seemed like a distorted picture because there was reality in her thoughts now. From this point of the story, Ines became fully active in returning Cárcel’s romantic overtures. In fact, when Carcel woke up after being sick, she kissed him repeatedly at points during their conversation.

Next we see them sitting one evening in the library and flirting and kissing. We also learn in the novel they’ve been having amorous affairs almost daily. We see Raul and Alfonso observing them in the hallway after Raul spread gossip about Carcel being crazy about his wife. Raul then felt like a fool for doing all that work when Carcel and Ines clearly couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Just from the perspective of the servants in the house, they saw that their masters relationship had grown closer and more expressive.

Then to add even more development, the author had Ines dream a second time about the previous timeline to open her eyes to more facts about Carcel. As usual, because Ines recognizes her husband now, she observed him even closer in the dreams and discovered things she missed about him. That’s the most important point about these dreams. When she woke up, she was sexually aggressive with him and wanted to be even closer with him.

Then later in bed, she began to admit how much her husband has become a safe border to her. How much she’s never lived like this before. How he makes everything alright for her even without knowing it. How her life is peaceful and stable. Then she also decides she doesn’t want to live denying herself anymore and only looking for death. Now she wants to live and do the things she loves like hunting and horseback riding. She wanted to do those things with her husband. She was so moved to tears by her husband’s love and care that in the novel she said she always lived wanting time to pass but she didn’t want that moment with her husband to pass.

Then the story moved on to her receiving a letter from her mother encouraging her to get pregnant. Despite Olga’s outrageous content, Ines agreed that she wanted a child sincerely. She even reminisces about seeing that child run down the hallway and that the child looks more like Carcel than her.

All of the above is so minute compared to the depth of the novel. Not because Ines didn’t say “I don’t want to divorce him anymore” in direct words doesn’t mean it isn’t clear she ditched her divorce plan. It’s clear that she dropped her plan ever since back with the crazy woman incident in their home. Manhwa also left out that she was uneasy the next day because she thought Carcel might still be angry about the incident. She even told herself that it’s no big deal if he fell out of love with her because of the incident. Does that sound like a woman who doesn’t care and still only want a divorce?

    Bibi May 4, 2024 12:11 pm

    Feels like the translation doesn’t do it justice .. I got confused bur I got the gist of it . When is he gonna start remembering btw ?? That will be a whole lot of pain .. I do want to ask though .. will there will be more turbulence in their relationship or it’s gonna be loving with painful past rememberance

    StoryofMinglan May 4, 2024 10:40 pm
    Feels like the translation doesn’t do it justice .. I got confused bur I got the gist of it . When is he gonna start remembering btw ?? That will be a whole lot of pain .. I do want to ask though .. will ther... Bibi

    Spoiler. It will be amazing

    He will begin to remember after Ines goes to Mendoza after their hunting trip. An attempted assassination was made on his life while Ines was away in Mendoza and this triggers his memories.

    If you guys already love the way Carcel loves Ines, it only gets better and deeper. For me, I came away from the novel blown away by ‘his’ love. And, because he loves Ines very deeply, he is always on her side no matter any outside turbulence. He is even on her side when she wrongs him. Amazingly, there is not just the known pasts to deal with, there is a hidden past that’s revealed later that shakes Ines. It makes her realize even more just how deeply Carcel loves her. There is really nothing to fear as readers because Carcel always treats Ines well and always chooses to protect and love her. If there is anything bad that happens, they face it together and he always makes sure she’s protected. On the other hand, Ines will develop to the point that she protects Carcel as well. She does everything she could to make sure he’s safe when there are certain circumstances that arise where he could be premeditatedly killed off.

    Bibi May 5, 2024 6:15 pm
    Spoiler. It will be amazingHe will begin to remember after Ines goes to Mendoza after their hunting trip. An attempted assassination was made on his life while Ines was away in Mendoza and this triggers his mem... StoryofMinglan

    Just reading ur reply made me tear up I can’t wait for their moments together ! I knew her first life isn’t known to her but him remembering is gonna be cherry on top and oh my gosh I cannot wait for this !! Thank u for telling me ! I knew the whole spoiler but this just makes it so much better ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄