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Lolll tbh it was kinda payback for all the times he hit him LOLLLL

Ariria May 4, 2024 12:40 pm

Lolll tbh it was kinda payback for all the times he hit him LOLLLL

    Haramea May 4, 2024 12:46 pm

    I know it's just a joke but HELL NAAHH there's a big difference between panicking about social standards and pushing someone away because you're scared and not thinking right (and them getting hurt as a result)
    and hurting someone, just cause you can because you're jealous and don't trust them!

    but cirrus needs professional help yeah, nothing new under the sun

    hatdiggitydog May 4, 2024 5:21 pm
    I know it's just a joke but HELL NAAHH there's a big difference between panicking about social standards and pushing someone away because you're scared and not thinking right (and them getting hurt as a result)... Haramea

    to be fair, cirrus had the right to be jealous and not trust skylar after skylar has been invalidating cirrus a lot and not giving him the slightest bit of verbal assurance let alone physical assurance. i know why skylar does this due to his past, but cirrus doesn't and that's why to him it hurts him way more and adds onto his insecurities when he sees skylar with his ex-crush who he's always been nervous about.

    in cirrus's pov, it seemed like skylar was more comfortable blushing and talking to chan-il than even standing a few feet next to cirrus at school. it makes sense he'd throw that plastic cup at him, considering cirrus was still mad at skylar who hadn't even apologised for the bump on his forehead.

    they BOTH need professional help you can't just put this onto one person...

    Ariria May 4, 2024 8:27 pm
    I know it's just a joke but HELL NAAHH there's a big difference between panicking about social standards and pushing someone away because you're scared and not thinking right (and them getting hurt as a result)... Haramea

    But skylar still hit him pretty hard in the face by mistake or not. Either way it was a ball to the back not the head, sure it might've hurt but shouldn't have hurt too badly... probably and one could also say cirrus also did it by mistake! One due to fear of getting caught and the other due to seething jealousy. In the end they both need couples therapy and some external support in their lives. Pity that cirrus is pushing away a good friend like that red head tho (forgot his name lolll). Either way the story is banging and can't wait for that next chapter. I wanna see em kiss and make uppppp KKEKEKEKKE

    Haramea May 5, 2024 12:45 pm
    to be fair, cirrus had the right to be jealous and not trust skylar after skylar has been invalidating cirrus a lot and not giving him the slightest bit of verbal assurance let alone physical assurance. i know ... hatdiggitydog

    (glad to find you here under another comment hihi)

    i am actually not agreeing on everything with you! Jealousy is something someone needs to control, it's about you and yourself, you can never say "that's your fault i'm jealous" i feel that is so so so unhealthy in a relationship!
    Now, i do agree on the fact that skylar needs to show his affection better, anyone would feel hurt in that situation but it's no reason get violent. nothing ever justifies violence.

    Now again i agree with you, then need to talk, about their issues and about who they are, i mean at this point in the story they aren't really dating, they just want to be with each other and doing so brings them some sort of confort, but they have 0 communication going, and about themselves and about their traumas and about what they feel.
    But that's just how the story goes, i'm sure they'll get there!

    i assumed skylar already had enough therapy and needed to live positive social events to "fully" recover, to solidify what therapy brought him (because therapy isn't everything) and to reassure him into who he is today. but if you think a therapist could still help at this point, well alright, we can agree to disagree

    i honestly think, if he was more honest with cirrus and communicated more like you said things would be okay on his part. but as cirrus is currently going through the traumas he definitely needs professional support, i hope you understand where i'm coming. i'm not trying to say it's only cirrus' fault, but that in this specific fictional case, i doubt a therapist could do more for skyllar as he's already getting back on his feet.

    (sorry for the yapping pfiou)

    Haramea May 5, 2024 12:49 pm
    But skylar still hit him pretty hard in the face by mistake or not. Either way it was a ball to the back not the head, sure it might've hurt but shouldn't have hurt too badly... probably and one could also say ... Ariria

    I get where you come from but the talion law never gets anyone anywhere ?
    "You hurt me so it's okay if i hurt you" HUH WELL NO- as humans we have the pleasure to be able to understand why our comrades act in such or such way, so especially if you love someone, it should never be acceptable to say you can hurt them because they hurt you
    At least i never want to feel this miserable in life XDD other people can do whatever i guess
    Also jealously is never positive, it's a thing feel all feel at some point we just need to learn to kick it far far away because it can only ever damage relationships.

    But overall yeah, can't wait to see them happy and well at the end of their story hihihihi

    hatdiggitydog May 5, 2024 1:09 pm
    (glad to find you here under another comment hihi)i am actually not agreeing on everything with you! Jealousy is something someone needs to control, it's about you and yourself, you can never say "that's your f... Haramea

    i get where you're coming from but i also never said that it's skylar's fault that cirrus has jealousy issues. it's more like cirrus already had insecurities and all these issues but they weren't causing a problem until skylar constantly made him feel like he didn't want to be in a relationship with him, despite skylar being the one to suggest dating first. still, cirrus should obviously start fixing his insecurities and anxieties with skylar, but i would say cirrus's feelings rn were valid with the lack of communication on both their parts.

    and i know skylar did seek professional help, but it was shown that he was avoiding it as much as possible. i think skylar didn't even like the prospect of going to therapy and i don't feel like he gave it a chance bc if you remember he never took his meds and wanted to try and end going to therapy as soon as possible by telling his mom. me personally, i think skylar only went to therapy to please his mom and bc he felt guilty when it was mentioned that his mom sold their house and moved to pay for his doctor and to help skylar move on.

    which is why i think skylar didn't really give therapy a chance. obviously therapy doesn't fix you 100% and you're a completely healed person coming out of it, but i think it helps you somewhat in your recovery. and if skylar went into therapy willingly and not just bc of his mom, it would probably be a different experience for him. and that's why i still believe both need professional help, bc at the end of they day they're still just traumatized kids and they can't fix all their problems by just communicating. they still need to heal themselves and grow to be better to each other.

    also sorry for yappinglol

    Haramea May 6, 2024 8:57 am

    Yeah! mb i indeed understood it as a "it's skylar's fault", so still yeah, fully agree with you ~_~ skylar is NOT helping.

    I thought he used to take his meds and just "recently" stopped (though, can trauma be healed with meds is YET another debate that is not necessary to have rn bwahah) can't believe i got fooled as well (and yeah, feeling forced to go see a shrink helps no one but the doctor's finances).

    Now it's gonna be very anticlimatic but i agree with what you say so i don't have much to say in return~_~ so sorry

    hatdiggitydog May 6, 2024 2:58 pm
    Yeah! mb i indeed understood it as a "it's skylar's fault", so still yeah, fully agree with you ~_~ skylar is NOT helping.I thought he used to take his meds and just "recently" stopped (though, can trauma be he... Haramea

    fr neither of them are helping each other anyway they really need to talk properly instead of fixing their problems through making out lol.

    it was also revealed skylar hadn't been taking his meds for a long time. remember skylar's mom found his entire stash of meds that was hiding in his books, and she was furious and his sister called him while skylar was on that school trip thing idk you recall but yeah i'm not saying meds are gonna fix him i'm just saying he seemed like he never took them from what was implied anyway

    but yeah the coming chapter are gonna be the complete opposite of anticlimactic i dont wanna spoil you but shit's gonna go down i'm actually scared for skylar especially

    Haramea May 6, 2024 7:10 pm

    bwahahah that's highschoolers for ya.

    yeah i remember! but i didn't understood it as "he never took his meds" that's on me eh

    Well you know... (the hype is strong now, why must you curse me with anticipation) when you leave bruises alone often more than once they will rot, and at some point you can't ignore it anymore or it kills you, so eh, whatever happens was bound to happen at some point