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really curious

maarud May 4, 2024 5:47 pm

i'm not tryna bash anyone or have any wish to offend, i'm honestly curious. but why do you like stories with incest? what about it appeals to you or make it better than non-incest stories? i don't mind it, but if i had a choice, i would prefer them not to be blood related, but that's just me lol

    Naty Hunter May 4, 2024 7:25 pm

    For me is the obsession like codependency that usually you see in these stories, I got into reading sibling/sibling incest after watching ao no exorcist(anime) and supernatural(TV show) both had complex relationships between brothers and the fandom is full of fanfic/fanart/fancomics with incest
    Of course I don't agree with incest in real life because as I said it's a unhealthy relationship also I really dislike parent/child incest because in my eyes that's just grooming, things like uncle/nephew too

    maarud May 4, 2024 9:56 pm
    For me is the obsession like codependency that usually you see in these stories, I got into reading sibling/sibling incest after watching ao no exorcist(anime) and supernatural(TV show) both had complex relatio... Naty Hunter

    ohyea, i kinda remember that supernatural thing i think. thanks for giving your opinion!

    May 7, 2024 1:44 am

    For me it's not about the incest itself, but about the inherent struggles such a relationship will bring. I personally like seeing characters fight and overcome struggles, or fail in the process. It's kinda people watching in a sense. I'm always interested how the cp will deal with how the society views them, if one of them will buckle and break down under that struggle, all the arguments and conflicts it will bring. It's just that those struggles and that angst is usually more prevalent in incest stories. Since usual BL stories don't delve too hard into homophobia and the struggles gay people go through, incest stories are kinda of a conduit of that sort of angst for me.

    maarud May 7, 2024 8:16 pm
    For me it's not about the incest itself, but about the inherent struggles such a relationship will bring. I personally like seeing characters fight and overcome struggles, or fail in the process. It's kinda peo...

    yeah, i can understand that. thanks for your thoughts on it (●'◡'●)ノ

    Pass The Holy Water May 10, 2024 7:44 am

    Damn. These are such nice and complex answers, mine will sound hella dumb in comparison: I just lowkey like reading fucked up stories. Kinda like how people enjoy watching true crime shows and stuff.

    maarud May 10, 2024 7:05 pm
    Damn. These are such nice and complex answers, mine will sound hella dumb in comparison: I just lowkey like reading fucked up stories. Kinda like how people enjoy watching true crime shows and stuff. Pass The Holy Water

    haha no, but i completely get u on that part. the more morbid or gory the show, the better. i was just wondering cuz i saw loads of comments on this manga where people got excited cuz it's real incest and not step-bros or something. like, why and what do people enjoy about incest stories in particular, ig. is it a fetish thing or something else?

    Helesia May 13, 2024 5:05 am

    There’s just something about forbidden love that’s so enticing to read. The pining, the angst, and the inner conflict all make it more satisfying when they eventually find mutual love. Personally I don’t have much interest in the simple fluffy stories where they just like each other and get together easily. Also it’s easier to be ok with gay sibling incest since it’s less problematic than straight siblings or adult/child dynamics.