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Wait who died??? The red hair guy?? Lavi? Or did I read wrong

SaltySourPatch May 4, 2024 8:25 pm

Wait who died??? The red hair guy?? Lavi? Or did I read wrong

    Sushi May 4, 2024 10:29 pm

    So, from what I am understanding, Levi is their second heir as the next head bookman. Their first Heir (Juniors) is dead or possibly died. They want to now who killed Junior, and 'Allen' has the answer to their question. They do not believe Allen has lost his memories, and if so he can regain it from drinking that trinket she handed to him.

    So I don't think Levi is dead, and they were talking the first heir.

    This is why I understood from the chapter, I may be wrong.

    SaltySourPatch May 5, 2024 12:30 am
    So, from what I am understanding, Levi is their second heir as the next head bookman. Their first Heir (Juniors) is dead or possibly died. They want to now who killed Junior, and 'Allen' has the answer to their... Sushi

    Ohhh okay, I think the last time we saw levi was when he was captured right by the noah. I hope he makes a appearance soon