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In my opinion

chocobuun May 5, 2024 12:58 am

This may be an unpopular opinion but I’m glad she rejected kase. It’s so obvious she didn’t have any strong feelings toward him. People are shitting on her choice for not choosing the green flag but y’all not actually thinking of the well-being of the dude or the girl. The girl clearly likes someone else and you want her to be in a relationship with someone she doesn’t like. And you want that nice guy to be in a relationship with a girl that doesn’t like him back? If she chose kase, she would be settling for comfortability and liking the things an ideal bf would give her, rather than the guy himself.

I personally believe that kase and the FL wouldn’t be a good match. They still only give at most good friend/co-worker vibes. They only have seen each other’s nicest and good sides. She can’t really relax or be like the type she is in front of akira. On the other hand with akira, both the FL and akira have seen a mixture of each other’s good and bad sides, but still care for each other and can’t help but want to stick to each other. Anyways I believe that kase could be with someone that actually gives the same amount of love to him, and it would be cute for him to find someone that’s more forward and affectionate in contrast. I’m not trashing the FL’s choice because I think she should choose someone who she loves for her own happiness, not who she’d be comfortable with and settling for. Akira has his own issues that are self-explanatory but he has shown to care hence why he’s pushing her towards someone he thinks is a better guy for her. Y’all never heard of “if you love them let them go?” And if they come back then I guess it’s meant to be. Which is what she did.

    chocobuun May 5, 2024 1:06 am

    Also it’s odd to me that people are mad that he sleeps around as if this info wasn’t known at the beginning of the story and the description. Plus the FL knows exactly how he is and still wants him and still slept with him like twice. People be purposefully picking stories known to have a playboy ML and then having a tantrum later lmfao.

    They’re not in any relationship and are both single. They both are free to see other people and get jealous because they’re human beings that both feel emotions. Imagine if the FL was the one to think she one-sidedly is in love with a man. Does that mean she has to save herself and not date or try being with anyone else in the hope that one day that man will be with her? No, that sounds dumb. Why save yourself for someone who wouldn’t be with you or like you back? It’s odd that people think a man having a crush on a woman means they must be obligated to stay loyal TO AN UNREQUITED CRUSH. But people don’t expect the same if it were a woman and beg a FL to see other people and not wait on him, before getting with the ML.

    Gia May 5, 2024 11:15 pm
    Also it’s odd to me that people are mad that he sleeps around as if this info wasn’t known at the beginning of the story and the description. Plus the FL knows exactly how he is and still wants him and stil... chocobuun

    didn’t know the FL knew he slept around and still chose to be with him, me personally wouldn’t want to be with that kind of man but she do she as I said I forgot what happened.

    I thought the FL didn’t know he was doing that stuff I mean doing it behind her back is wrong but since she’s aware of what he’s been doing that’s a different story.

    chocobuun May 5, 2024 11:56 pm
    didn’t know the FL knew he slept around and still chose to be with him, me personally wouldn’t want to be with that kind of man but she do she as I said I forgot what happened.I thought the FL didn’t know... Gia

    Yeah in the first 2 chapters it showed how she knew exactly that he was a red flag and was still friends with him lol. They aren’t dating anyways so what he does (and what she does) is perfectly fine. She went out on a date with kase so it just shows they aren’t obligated to be loyal to each other when they’re both single

    Eliminate thots69 May 8, 2024 9:18 pm

    True on that, I think the people just can’t accept the fact that fl and ml’s chemistry was just, great. Im sure she was well aware of how coy and a playboy his personality is but i get why the people hate that side of him. Seeing that chapter where he slept with a woman ticked me off, but what can I do? They aren’t together yet. So it’s better to just understand that. I can place a bet that once they are together ml will stop contacting those women nor sleep with them at best. He will be all her’s only. I lind of hope that we can get a full backstory of ml as well. Anyway back to the topic, as for the 2nd ml I will Indeed say that it was a shame for someone like him to be rejected. (Honestly cried) but we can’t force anyones feelings now can we? Im sure the author will give him a girl sooner or later. He is just too much of a green flag to be let go of.