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heart shattering:(

Marie || nini <3 May 5, 2024 2:01 am

fuck, i hate them all. get out, babes… please for the love of god escape together. this doesn’t have to be your entire lives if you don’t let it. jeoh went from the weakest, lowest point of his life to the highest he’s ever been. the power trip he must be on.. i don’t want him to be eaten alive because he can’t let go of the things that happened to him. i don’t want him to become like that woman. she is who she is because her past consumed her. her entire life, her present, is her past. he will be knocked down, and the people he has forced into the position he once was in will come back to bite him just as he did to the people previously over him. he is not the only one capable of vengeance. so just please move on!!! both jeoh and sangrok deserve a better life, but there is a point of no return; when they become the villains. i don’t wanna see that happen :,( they both deserve to heal.
