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Watarun like miki for sure but not the same as miki's love.. sometimes we take for granted...

Peridot08 May 5, 2024 2:23 am

Watarun like miki for sure but not the same as miki's love.. sometimes we take for granted those people around us bec we are used that they are always their for us. And that's what watarun felt towards miki. And bec of that watarun felt that he didn't need for them to be official which is wrong. Miki was not aware of watarun's feeling and for sure miki will end up accepting that his love for watarun will be forever be hidden, accept the fact that they end up not being together so this feeling of miki will be easily be swayed if ever there will be someone getting into the picture which is ikkei. Everything that happened to watarun are all his fault he has a lot of chances to tell miki or at least let miki feel that he likes him but choose not to. If his reason was he was waiting for miki to confess well he should at least let miki feel that he had a chance. But he shove into his face that "nah! I like girls, i'm not into boys" or "no chances of liking a guy"
