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This story makes me personally reflect a lot

Kai May 5, 2024 5:13 am

As an older sibling to three half siblings, I wish I had a relationship with my siblings like shizuku has with minato and aoi. I love my siblings a lot, but I'm also extremely jealous of what they have compared to what I had. Naoto is a great mom, not me saying mine wasn't, sadly though I was the trial kid that ended up being the built in babysitter who was never cared about after my sibs were born (from my mom). Anyway this is a manga site and not a vent space, I just feel a lot of emotions that reach way further than surface level reading.

    CokMan May 5, 2024 5:38 am

    Browniethepet May 5, 2024 8:53 am

    As the youngest of three, I know how it feels to have an older sister be jealous of me because of things that I have that she didn’t. Sometimes you can be passive aggressive towards your younger siblings or your feelings with run off on them. But even if you are jealous of what your younger siblings have, just remember that it’s not their fault, and they can’t control.

    Kai May 5, 2024 2:27 pm
    As the youngest of three, I know how it feels to have an older sister be jealous of me because of things that I have that she didn’t. Sometimes you can be passive aggressive towards your younger siblings or y... Browniethepet

    Oh I don't blame them for any of it. I love them dearly and care about being in their lives when I can. I'm 12yrs older than my closest sibling. I can feel what I feel but just because I do doesn't mean I'll throw any ill feelings at them.