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One of the dumbest ukes ever

Error606 May 5, 2024 9:57 am

He thinks seme is actually straight but slept with him, bought presents to him, taken him out on dates, gifted him kinky clothes etc. out of pity... How tf did he graduated from university and become a teacher with that IQ. "we weren't dating but it felt more like a relationship with him, compared to anyone else" YOU GUYS WERE DATING, IT WAS A RELATIONSHIP AND YOU DUMPED HIM GOSH IT'S SO FRUSTRATING. I really don't like the "he was straight but I turned him gay, I am such a bad person" trope. No he just realised he likes guys too or "I am straight but you are an exception" trope, no you are fucking a dude, dating a dude, you like a dude, you are NOT straight
