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It’s a shame that Al had such a hard time up until now, you can tell he’s really caref...

bi-lateral_general May 5, 2024 5:48 pm

It’s a shame that Al had such a hard time up until now, you can tell he’s really careful and caring. I know it’s frustrating to see him draw a line with Zen, but I personally love it? This comic could have easily just done smut every chapter, but instead Al is fully conscious of his position and doesn’t take advantage of Zen at all.

And thank you for providing the rest of the available chapters! In the past, it was a mixture of slow updates on both sides (this seems to release in Japan at irregular intervals too) but after seeing so many available chapters on Renta Japan I was losing hope of ever seeing this.

    Charlotte May 5, 2024 11:58 pm

    Personally, I think that's what made it more likable. The other Manhwa/manga always have sex in almost all chap, it's like it doesn't have a plot because of it. It's making me think that author's do that to have more chaps like. I don't really care if they put sex in it, but Its too much.

    bi-lateral_general May 6, 2024 12:46 am
    Personally, I think that's what made it more likable. The other Manhwa/manga always have sex in almost all chap, it's like it doesn't have a plot because of it. It's making me think that author's do that to hav... Charlotte

    Oh yeah I think it’s a major plus for this manga! I get a little bored when it’s sex every chapter.