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I feel like MC is just stuck in one place and refuses to move on , as you grow older you g...

FUUUUUUUUUCK May 5, 2024 9:45 pm

I feel like MC is just stuck in one place and refuses to move on , as you grow older you go from faze to faze and you change without even realising it , MC just trapped himself in the " carefree Uni student faze" and can't understand why the people around him are changing and moving on ,he feels lacking and is taking it out on the world rather than facing himself, it sucks that Mirai has to be the one paying for it , MC needs some serious therapy and Mirai needs to let him go because he's way too toxic .

    Emmy May 5, 2024 10:04 pm

    Yes exactly, the only rational ending would be for ml to get some therapy (displacement of responsibility and projection of his problems onto someone else has ruined his mind, he is clearly running away from taking the blame and growing up) but the most interesting part is his denial of self-awareness, he doesn't see himself at all