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Why is she trying to find out about the past?? Like she migrated to that fictional story t...

ALE May 6, 2024 1:01 am

Why is she trying to find out about the past?? Like she migrated to that fictional story to fix the family relationship. Why does she care about the past so much, i mean that's not really her she is in someone else's body who cares, just enjoy your time there.

    秘密 May 6, 2024 12:59 pm

    I saw some spoilers that said she's actually the og owner of the body but got switch up to another body in another dimension and that body's soul also switch in to her body and mess her relationship with the ml and she (the og) forgot everything and thought she just got transmigrated in the story. (Idk if it's legit tho cu'z there's also another spoiler that said it's just her all along, she's the og and didn't get transmigrated and shii but I forgot the full info)

    Porcelain Girl May 12, 2024 12:22 am

    Why? Because the story can continue and not end so soon lol

    cooldude7766 May 12, 2024 3:45 am
    I saw some spoilers that said she's actually the og owner of the body but got switch up to another body in another dimension and that body's soul also switch in to her body and mess her relationship with the ml... 秘密

    no ur correct!! she is the og but doesn’t remember since she went back to her original body.