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Britney_°♡° May 6, 2024 4:48 am

I forgot the name of this manga please help me find it ╥﹏╥ its abt villainess who gets framed OR betrayed by evil heroine and exiled from the kingdom and she's forced to become a prositute and she and prositute boss (a hot woman) are like best friends and then prositute boss dies and she wants revenge or something (pls help me i forgot the entire plot)and begged god to get another change and boom just like that she returned to her younger self and started to play the crying card at her mother's funeral to her older brother since men cannot resisit women crying (NOT INCEST THO!!!) and she saves hot lady from dying and thats all i remembered i think there's a ml in here too i can't remember anything about him tho anyways.the story reminds me of this manga˘◡˘ even tho ik it's not similar
