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Man that ending was ass.

Fruit is tasty. May 6, 2024 7:57 am

I hate how the author decided to just kill off every important character for Shiori. That poor girl is gonna live on knowing how many people died for her, but she doesn't even have a family to go home to anymore. She literally kept telling people to save her brother, but nobody listened. This time loop curse is so tragic but not in a way that I could cry to because of how it was executed.

    Fruit is tasty. May 6, 2024 8:05 am

    + Like what was that whole build up for if Makoto was just going to unalive himself. Like I swear the story established that the only way the curse can be undone is if shiori killed a loved one. It doesn't count if he does that even if it means to extend her operation. Ik he couldn't kill his real sister but it's so anticlimactic. Honestly maybe he just selfishly decided to go because he couldn't take it anymore which is understandable. rip king