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yoowan was at wrong & he was rightfully blamed

ray May 6, 2024 12:55 pm

idk why people say that "jiho easily forgave hyunee but not yoowan" because yoowan was still at fault. was his environment and parenting played a big role in what he did?? yes it did. but it's not an excuse for what he did. what hyunee did was unintentional and you cannot blame his actions for the lack of yoowan's actions. even if he was too scared to admit in front of everyone that he wasn't the one who wrote the poem he still didn't do ANYTHING to clear the misunderstanding/air b/w him & jiho. in fact even when he was "apologizing" he didn't really apologize but asked jiho to forgive him or forget about past because jiho forgave hyunee. yall are annoying af because you are excusing his lack of actions to make up for what he did on hyunee & jiho.
