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Mixed signals

Nico May 6, 2024 3:27 pm

I feel like i sympathize with the brother a bit too much for my own liking. But as an older sister of 3 if i EVER saw my younger siblings hanging out with a fully grown ahh man, saying they have feelings for them i would go feral too. But the brother is also giving mentally unstable bit too obsessed type of vibe to me.
Knowing the mc is 21 inside makes me feel a tiiiiiiiny bit relieved than if i didn’t have context to this situation at all but still. Idk if ill love seeing my brother with smn who’s in their late 30s or smt. Then again the brother is bit too coocoo in the head cuz why would he just run over his brothers lover??? At least try to get to know him?? At least try to talk before heading for the homicide???
Also that bitch ass woman. She can go rot in hell. I wish it was her the bro ran over fr.

    Unknownmom May 6, 2024 3:44 pm

    It's like you read my mind, copied and pasted it lol, I fr agree with this, my thoughts exactly. くコ:彡

    ayayayayaaas May 11, 2024 11:40 am

    i don't even believe that age gap was the main problem of hangyeol's brother. his goal is definitely to have ultimate control over his younger bro's life and force him to rely solely on him. hangyeol don't even have friends at the age of 11 when that's the time kids easily form friendships and the older brother probably isolated and manipulate either hangyeol or his potential friends at that time considering kids are easy to be tricked and scared TT and we can see that it's the same what he did to taekhyung, only it was fortunate that it was him, an adult. ghaad he's obsessed and psycholevel possesive with hangyeol >.< and i'm glad taekhyung quickly told hangyeol his killer.