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Action bl

HollowBrat May 6, 2024 7:01 pm

Looking for an action bl, no guide or gland stuff. Gang stuff is okay, but neither of the main characters should be the boss of a gang/yakuza, etc.

    R.Rblanc May 6, 2024 7:56 pm
    See if you can find something here
    (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    RizzyRaw May 6, 2024 8:17 pm

    Okay so I got some, I’m really bad at explaining things so plz don’t take the little info I wrote next to some of the story (I got lazy to write on the rest of the manhwas) too literally. All the manhwas in this list don’t have dumb bottoms trust me. They are all some of my favorites I hope u like them, reach out if u want more recs ^3^.

    Shutline - (mc is a mechanic, ml is a higher up in this drug trade business (spoiler alert he really isn’t) but I wouldn’t say this one has like too much action but it definitely has thriller and action is sprinkled there. + Mc isn’t a typical whiny dumb bottom, I’d say only downside to this one is that the art gets funky looking sometimes and in the first few chapters it’s uncensored so ull get a couple of jumpscares)

    Ennead - (based on Egyptian mythology but the story is really good and the mc isn’t dumb and fights hella so alott of action is involved, there is this weird thing they got going on with incest in the story but it’s “justified” (not really) bcz they are gods, if u keep an open mind reading i think u would like it a lot. I hated it the first two times I tried to read it (bcs of the incest) but somehow I love it now. I highly recommend + the art is godly)

    Turning - (reincarnation + strong not dumb mc, there is only like 20 smth chapters out so I don’t have much of an opinion on this but it was good)

    Beware of the full moon in March - mc is strong and is in a gang and somehow ended up in jail and wouldn’t snitch on someone (presumably the second lead and boss of some sort), ml is a cop /detective and is trying to catch the person mc didn’t snitch on, so after mc is done serving jail time ml tries to get info on the leader but gradually falls in love. Lots of action and romance.

    Dreadful night - ( thriller + horror + action)

    Rainbow city

    Deadman switch